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Roberta #8

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Roberta #8

The [artificial] intelligence newsletter


Roberta Wohlstetter (1912-2007)
Pioneer of modern intelligence

In November, our boat detection on satellite imagery algorithm experienced a major breakthrough. Our team of data scientists worked for two months on improving our detector and its level of ship identification. Today, it detects and classifies ships into more than 40 different classes.
This hard work inspired this new edition of our newsletter Roberta.
Take a trip to the port of Yulin, in China, a strategic area for intelligence analysts. You will see how these same detectors automatically classify ships, submarines, warships, aircraft carriers, etc.
Then, get on board Philippe Hartz's Figaro and discover his journey from marine commando to skipper for the Solitaire du Figaro.
Also a fan of windsurfing, Paul Hermelin, the CEO of Cap Gemini answers 3 questions for the release of his book "La science en procès" (Science on Trial).
And finally, close your eyes, take a breath of fresh air and listen to our latest podcast on Eric Tabarly. Follow his journey through offshore racing and innovation.
Even beneath your mask, you should feel the sea spray!

Enjoy the read,

Arnaud Guérin and Renaud Allioux, co-founders of Preligens

Our news curation

A concrete use case

Read the interview

Philippe Hartz - Skipper of the Solitaire du Figaro 2021

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